Environmentalist | Motivational Speaker Spiritual SpeakerYawer Ali Shah

Choices made in the present may define the future. It is not just about choosing sustainability as an option but to embrace it with a goal to empower ecological balance and inspiring lives with an inventive change. Kindly take a look at this journey-


01234567890012345678900123456789001234567890Best Brand Award
01234567890012345678900123456789001234567890Amity Lucknow Speaker
01234567890012345678900123456789001234567890Amity University
01234567890012345678900123456789001234567890ET INSPIRING LEADER
01234567890012345678900123456789001234567890Henkel Sustainability Award
01234567890012345678900123456789001234567890IIC Catalyst Award

Following my goals and beliefs

I started my career as an engineer in Kirloskar with the ultimate goal to become a thriving businessman. As my ultimate goal was to become a successful businessman I gradually started to make vital efforts for the same. Though, it wasn’t that easy as I was in immense perplexity regarding the area of business to choose and from where I will get the fund. These were literally million dollar questions and I was finding it hard to find answers for them. 

There is an old saying that night becomes the darkest when the sun is about to rise. After the dark phase of perplexity, a ray of hope came into my life in the form of an amazing event. I found my way when I attended a seminar on the requirement of Natural Textile Dyes. It made me understand that Natural Textile Dyes are the eco-friendly solution rather than Synthetic Dyes. Since then I had an intense aspiration to make natural products for the betterment of ecological sustainability and humanity altogether.

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